Wednesday 7 October 2015

EQUALITY - The hidden SPICE in #numbers

Crack your Brain and spread the equality spice now

Life is amazing and spiced by numbers in ways we can not comprehend unless we pause and critically take a look at each other. In a world where we each single day witness gender discrimination just baffles me as some people try to come up with excuses that only serve their selfish interests. No matter what we do to justify why we are not equal is only but just a circle that brings us back to the starting point and even remind us more that we are still equal anyway. Equality is the hidden spice in numbers too.
We are surrounded by numbers. They inform us of our age, define the day, determine how much we are passionate about something and we even use them to equate stunning figures. But how often do you sit back and become creative and critically look at numbers. Lets talk equality now. Did you know that the sum to all the multiples of the number 9(nine) equal 9 (nine)? I will illustrate this.
9 x 1 = 9
9 x 2 = 18 (1 + 8) = 9
9 x 3 = 27 (2 + 7) = 9
9 x 4 = 36 (3 + 6) = 9
9 x 5 = 45 (4 + 5) = 9
9 x 6 = 54 (5 + 4) = 9
9 x 7 = 63 (6 + 3) = 9
9 x 8 = 72 (7 + 2) = 9
9 x 9 = 81 (8 + 1) = 9

This is the reason we just have to achieve equality in all spheres of life for no matter how we go round in circles we still arrive at the same starting point.

Still don’t believe? Try this out that the sum of the digits that make the answer of every sum is the same whether you count vertically or horizontally. For example;

22 + 40 = 62
(Take 62) 6 + 2 = 8, (2 + 2) + (4 + 0) = 8

Or still crack out this

54 + 98 + 20 = 172
(Take 172 now) 1 + 7 + 2 = 10, (1 + 0) = 1

Better still

(5 + 4) + (9 + 8) + (2 + 0) = 28
(Take 28 now) (2 + 8) = 10, 1 + 0 = 1

It doesn’t matter your justification for inequalities. We are one and equal. You may use my age, my gender, my orientation, my abilities or my colour to pass a point that we are not equal but those are just reasons for discrimination for bottom-line we are equal but with different characteristics creative in our own way. That’s the real spice that humanity is all about.

Lets spread the spice and make a difference for the world can only get better if we all see each other as equal human beings. Join me Erick Matsanza, the founder Spice Chungu ( ) a project of Spice Without Borders (SwB) as we walk the path to realizing a society transformed by the creative and critical voice of the women.

You can be part of us in many ways; a participant, mentor, a catalyst, a volunteer, a good will ambassador, a sponsor/donor in making a creative difference. More information email


EQUALITY - The hidden SPICE in #numbers. Crack your Brain and spread the #equality spice now #SpiceChungu #SwB #Creativism #HeForShe

Thursday 3 September 2015


Now we resonate
The spice will tell a story
We will stand as one
All over the world
We are not ashamed
We are not afraid


Real spice will illuminate
Real spice has changed us
We have got a world to change
Real spice is freedom
In freedom we will run
Real spice will illuminate


Real spice is life
We will illuminate
We are not ashamed
We are not afraid
We will spread the spice
To a world without borders


The Project

Thursday 15 January 2015

Rebel Now!, Dont Just Sit There

We have seen protests, uprisings, calls for change.

We have seen people in the streets, standing up for what they believe in.

That got us thinking at Spice Chungu about our own rebelling, our personal rebellions, our private uprisings, our deep, center of our soul screams for change.

We got to wondering if we had stopped rebelling, as a woman, when was the last time that you stood up the man and said, Yes I am able too

Its time for creativism, rebel against authority, parental impositions, religious manipulations, rules that silence your voice, hypocrisy, the establishment, the system, the man, injustices - both real and perceived.

Its time to rebel against  against society and its norms, challenge the status quo and make a difference today.

After all these years…

You must have grown tired of being beaten down

You must be tired of being violated

You must be tired of being denied of your rights

You must have had enough of the old reality of your life.

The uprising is here, the creativity is here.

We have to make our voice heard.

No matter the circumstances that we find ourselves in, rejection, abuse,

You have to take it to the inner streets of your life

For the soul is screaming and crying for change.

This creative rebellion is the only way to survive.

You must have seen clearly that your biggest, strongest, loudest, most defiant rebellion has been against yourself.

When people see what they believe is an unjust system, they rebel, they get tired and decide to rise, to rebel, to speak for change.

There is a sound in #HeForShe but the voice is much stronger in She, make it heard.

Catalyze social change through #creativism and make a difference.

Lets build a society where being woman or man doesn't have to matter anymore.

We can together at catalyze social change, make a difference through creativism.

Yes! the fight is over and yet it has just begun.

We will not run away from our pain, we will walk towards it and make real change.

Rebel Now! Don't just sit there.

Sunday 4 January 2015

2014 kanthari Dream Speech Erick Matsanza

Erick Matsanza from Kenya participated in the 2014 kanthari leadership program. Erick's vision is that of an open-minded society transformed by the creative and critical voice of women where gender doesn't play a role anymore.

"kanthari is a place where you are limited only by your vision and your passion. I came to kanthari because I was extremely frustrated by the lack of equal educational and professional opportunities for women in western Kenya. I desperately wanted to be able to improve the unfair circumstances of women in my country by creating an organization that will offer them technical and critical thinking skills. But I felt paralyzed and overwhelmed by the magnitude of this task. By forcing me to look at the world and myself through a very different lens, kanthari has taught me how to embrace challenges, trust my passions and have confidence in my abilities. At kanthari I have learned how to take a goal that might seem broad and abstract and break it down into realistic and achievable steps. The kanthari approach is holistic and highly individualized. And being surrounded by such inspirational and unique individuals makes kanthari such a special and transformative experience. My vision and passion will never limit me – they will work in my favor and help me to achieve all of my goals"

Saturday 1 November 2014

Spice Chungu ... creativity for a difference

My Story, My Vision, My Spice: I envision an open-minded society transformed by the creative and critical voice of the women. Spice Chungu is about creativity for a difference. For more information visit

Tuesday 21 October 2014

My Story, My Vision, My Spice

Imagine a world where everyone listens and respects each other. A world where dialogue is the order of the day in addressing issues that are most close to us, a world where each one speaks for themselves and not spoken for irrespective of your gender. This is the kind of world that creates opportunity and progress for all.

Today I encourage each single woman and the man as well to have a voice and play their part in creating such a world. A world where each voice counts.

Where I come from, such a world is far from being a reality. It has been that skewed since I was a small boy.

My name is Erick Matsanza from western part of Kenya. My dad left home for greener pastures to another country believed to be the land of opportunities the very year I was born, he returned 10 years later empty-handed and unfortunately died one year after his return. He left behind my mother, a strong woman who took care of seven siblings, three boys and four girls.

Communication between mum and dad cut off 5 years after my dad had left signalling tough times ahead for us as a family. Mum had to struggle and ensure that we are educated as education was a status symbol in the society. Being a last born, my elder siblings cleared school and started working. My mother was encouraged and thought that my siblings would support my education. This however didn’t happen.

One Friday evening when I arrived home after being sent home for missing payment of the school fee and was playing with my village boys that I overheard an exchange of words inside the house and my name kept on propping up in the bitter conversation. What I heard was building a dark cluster on my mind as it signalled an end to my education. My mum had explained to the only men in the family the reason why I was home and that had prompted the talk. No one was willing to take responsibility for my school fee and my mum was not just about to give up on the only child in the family remaining to be educated.

A rainbow appeared in the East and this signaled a good omen of the day as my sister who was a librarian walked in. On witnessing the exchange between my brothers she decided to take me with her so I could continue my education.

Today I stand tall because I am inspired by the actions of my mum and my sister. Their actions convinced me that empowering women is the best way to empower communities in order to improve society. And the journey to catalyze social change has become more focused as I came to kanthari to obtain skills that are required to effectively start this project.

I envision an open-minded world transformed by the critical and creative voice of the women. I envision a world in which the knowledge of marginalized communities is center-staged in the public discourse, and in which they have an equal voice in shaping the direction of their countries – at a hyper-local and a national level.

I believe that if the voices of the women are heard, better and more equitable policies will be created. Whether it is by providing the immediate, frontline response (‘will this development initiative work in my village and why or why not?’) or by ensuring solutions are grounded in the needs of the average person, promoting the voices of the women is crucial to the world’s development and its democracy. Only when the voices of women in the communities are heard by all decision-makers, will the corridors of power open for true democracy.

I believe that the democratic technologies of today – video and the internet –create a unique opportunity to create direct links between communities and authorities. Through the sheer size of their collective voice when it will flood the internet and the media, the women will be able to force those in power to listen to them, rather than waiting to be asked their opinions.

I believe in community-led change, and in the power of local solution-finders to inspire a change in thinking in people.

I believe that community media creates an important shift in a community, from a mentality that ‘the government will solve everything,’ to one where people know they can solve problems on their own.
The problem I seek to address is that decisions regarding human rights particularly women rights and development are taken without the participation of the women themselves. This top-down approach – in which academic or professional knowledge is more highly valued than lived experience - means that decision-makers make decisions that don’t work, and women remain discriminated and marginalized. This top-down approach often creates systemic human rights violations in which the government is involved.

My mission is to empower women with journalistic, critical thinking and creative skills they need to right the wrongs they witness in the society. This will enable the women from the margins of society to be producers of content so they can tell their own stories about their everyday lives, rights and entitlements (or violations thereof), and thereby represent themselves and assert their right to participate in development planning.  We will bring out the voices of the women so that better decisions get made.

I want to create a network of women Change makers and on setting up a women network of Spicy Citizen Journalists. I will focus on improving the lives of the people of western Kenya by amplifying their voices so they can assert their rights and laws get enforced.

A Spicy Citizen Journalist will be a woman reporter who represents community needs, and not the needs of a corporate media house. She is an activist who uses journalistic, critical thinking and creative skills for providing evidence (to authorities), for mobilizing (communities), and for inspiring (the rest of the world to support her struggle for justice and change.) She is someone who knows how to use a communications technology as simple as $100 video-enabled cell phone to document human rights abuses as well as local successes. She is someone who knows, even more crucially, how to push that information out into a strong distribution system (as will be created by Spice Chungu) that is focused on connecting the women amongst themselves, and with the world.

At the core of my strategy is to create model that can be scaled all across the country. The characteristics of this model is entrepreneurial, scalable, low cost, and delivers concrete impact in the community while enabling thousands more people outside the community to participate in the actions to create impacts.

I want to create a model with the future in mind and will incorporate all new technologies as they come about and can easily be tailor-made with other developmental programs being implemented in rural areas. It is only a matter of time before women in rural western Kenya have a phone that can shoot and edit video and a strong enough cell phone connection to both download and upload video. Spice Chungu will run as if this technology future is already here and it will be the wind that drives our impacts up – and costs down - each year.

Mine is not just a journey about Video but about change.  I will consistently demonstrate the concrete impact of my journey in the lives of people of western Kenya by women. This impact will be giving women a voice and ensure that they are heard, halt corruption, expose human rights violations, increase understanding between communities in conflict, improving infrastructure, providing information to people, develop local leaders, get people and government to take action, enable communities in western Kenya to advocate for themselves and give an income to women in the rural villages. This will instrumentally increase the scale, reach and impact of Spice Chungu.

For if not me then who? And if not now then when? I echo the words of Mahatma Gandhi that I have to be the change I want to see in the world.

I believe that the voice of each single woman today counts. Join me in spreading the spice and making it happen for the rural western Kenya. | |

Saturday 27 September 2014

Emma Watson HeForShe Speech at the United Nations | UN Women 2014

Equality is gravity for we all need to stand on this planet together, women and men. Gender #equality is about one half of #humanity in support of the other half of humanity, for the entirety of humanity.  Gender equality is not only a #women’s issue, it is a human #rights issue that requires each single person's participation both men and women.That should be the #spice of each single day.#HeForShe  #spicechungu